Our ADS Huntsville office personnel teamed with our visiting IDEX Intelligent Water personnel to once again serve Next Step Farms (NSFs). A total of 24 ADS and IDEX personnel had the privilege to work alongside the NSF’s special needs adult students to prepare and plant their vegetable gardens for the 2024 growing season. A generous $1,000 ADS/IDEX donation was used to purchase over 250 vegetable plants, tomato cages, fertilizers, and materials.
Next Step Farms (501c3) operates a non-profit, hands-on program for intellectually and developmentally disabled adults, teaching critical life-skills. Their mission is to provide a safe and nurturing place where special needs adult students can learn and participate in a homestead type environment on a real working farm. Trained special education teachers help students learn the job skills they need to live meaningful, fulfilling lives. Collaboration with local businesses and the community enable the placement of our program graduates in real jobs where they are genuinely accepted and productive.
The NSF’s staff and students were very excited to work with us and so thankful for the donation and hard work completed to help prepare them for the Summer growing season. Aside from getting some good work done for a great charitable organization, this week’s event provided a platform for some fantastic fellowship and team-building with our ADS and IDEX family. Let’s all continue to look for opportunities to serve others, give back, and strengthen our local communities. Together we are stronger – #ADScommunitystrong!